12/31 – Good riddance 2020

Posted: January 4, 2021 by Joanie in Playlists

10:00 Only Living Witness | December | Prone Mortal Form [CD] [The annual playing of December] • (Century Media, 93)
10:05 Here Lies Man | Come Inside | Ritual Divination [computer] [forthcoming LP] • (Riding Easy, 21)
10:08 The Meffs | You’ll See | single [computer] (-, 20)
10:11 Ryder-Demond | Nobody’s Gonna Get My Girl | single [computer] [UK] • (DJM, 81)
10:13 Guardian Singles | Can’t Stop Moving | s/t [computer] [New Zealand] • (Moral Support, 20)
10:15 Parquet Courts | Hey Bug | single [computer] (bandcamp, 13/20)
10:19 The Muckers | Suspended | single [computer] (Greenway, 20)
10:23 The Galileo 7 | The Day the World Turned Dayglo | Decayed [computer] (Fool’s Paradise, 20)
10:26 Hatebreed | Dig Your Way Out | Weight of the False Self [computer] (Nuclear Blast, 20)
10:28 Gimp Fist | One Shot | V/A Oi! 40 Years Untamed [computer] [UK] • (Pirate’s Press, 20)
10:31 Mountain | Don’t Look Around | Nantucket Sleighride [LP/computer] [RIP Leslie West, live on German TV] • (Windfall, 71)
10:35 The Reflectors | Caught Me Off Guard | First Impression [computer] (Burger, 20)
10:41 The Warlocks | We Don’t Need Money \ The Chain [comuter] (Cleopatra, 20)
10:44 Cliquey Bitches | Sweet Nothing | Scorpio Scorpio [computer] (Fettkakao, 20)
10:46 Tijuana Panthers | Phone Girl | Pull The Chute [computer] (Innovative Leisure, 20)
10:50 The Young Hasselhoffs | Not Ugly Enough to be a Ramone | V/A If It Ain’t Tasty, It Ain’t Melted… The Melted Records Years (1995-2001) [computer] [Nebraska] • (Rum Bar, 98/20)
10:52 English Dogs | The Fall of Max | Invasion of the Porky Men [LP/computer] (Clay, 84)
10:55 HJELVIK | Kveldulv | Welcome to Hel [computer] (Nuclear Blast, 20)
11:00 Dick Move | Stag Dudes | Chop! [computer] [New Zealand] • (1:12, 20)
11:01 Strike Anywhere | Documentary | Nightmare of the West [computer] (Pure Noise, 20)
11:04 Leatherface | Colorado Joe/Leningrad Vlad | Cherry Knowle [LP/computer] (Meantime, 89)
11:07 AC/DC | Demon Fire | Power Up [computer] (Columbia, 20)
11:10 Black Beach | Positive Feedback Loop | Tapeworm [computer] (Basement Sounds, 20)
11:15 Bee Gees | Tragedy | Spirits Having Flown [LP] [11:15, watch the Bee Gees doc] • (RSO, 79)
11:20 Junk Ranchers | Shadows | 86 [computer] (-, 86/20)
11:23 Vini Vicious | Sold Out | single [computer] [Tel Aviv] • (bandcamp, 20)
11:25 Raven | Hard Ride | Rock Until You Drop [LP/computer] (Neat, 81)
11:28 Raw Deal | Backtrack | V/A New York Hardcore Where the Wild Things Are [LP/computer] [RIP Rich] • (Blackout, 89)
11:31 The Young Ones | March of the Gutter Kids | V/A Oi! This is Street Punk 2020 [computer] [Holland] • (Pirate’s Press, 20)
11:36 Rockin’ Bob Punk Band | Private Jet | single [computer] (-, 20)
11:38 Saints of Death | Watching Me Die | Ascend to the Throne [computer] (Head Rattle Productions, 20)
11:41 Monster Magnet | Tractor | single [7″] [their first 7″, loved them immediately] • (Primo Scree, 90)
11:44 Stupidity | Save Me | single [computer] [Sweden] • (Black & Red, 20)
11:48 Muck and the Mires | Strange Waves | Greetings From Muckingham Palace [computer] (Rum Bar, 20)
11:51 Clive Culbertson | Busy Signal | V/A Shellshock Rock: Alternative Blasts from Northern Ireland 1977-1984 [computer] (Cherry Red, 79/20)
11:52 Seized Up | Terminal Disarray | Brace Yourself [computer] (Pirate’s Press, 20)
11:57 The Hellacopters | Fake | Supershitty to the Max! [LP] (Psychout/White Jazz, 99)

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