
Name: Joanie Lindstrom

Birthplace: Springfield, VT


Radio history: Celebrated 25 years as your Thursday Late Riser gal iin Jan. 2012 (with a great party at New Alliance Studios).
Did a year of hard rock radio at WBCN from 1988-1989 and started the MBR metal show Hell Comes to Your House which lasted 6 years also in '88.

Role at WMBR: Promotions co-director, Loud rock director

Most memorable live shows: Many Iggy Pop and Dictators shows, Bauhaus in New York and London, Hot Water Music in 1997 and beyond, hardcore matinees at the Channel in the summer of '83, I've probably forgotten more shows than you've been to.

Favorite places to eat: Canto 6 Bakery, Prezza, Rendezvous, burger/dog joints, mom & pop donut shops, clam shacks and diners,

Favorite cities: Copenhagen, Krakow, Seattle, Lisbon

Top ten records:

1. Adverts – Crossing the Red Sea (best punk rock record ever)
2. Descendents – Milo Goes to College
3. Kiss – Kiss Alive II
4. Hot Water Music – Fuel for the Hate Game
5. Dictators – Bloodbrothers/Go Girl Crazy
6. David Bowie – Hunky Dory thru Lodger
7. Sisters of Mercy – First and Last and Always
8. Backyard Babies – Total 13
9. Ignite – Call on my Brother
10. Zero Boys – Vicious Circle; Strike Anywhere – Change is a Sound; Tsar – Band Girls Money


Hot Water Music

Dee Snyder

Mike AKA

Blag after an acoustic set at MBR

And how about a couple golden oldies from BCN days:

Skid Row

Metallica/James Hetfield