Monday, 10/15/2001 – Tim Kelly

Posted: October 15, 2001 by Tim Kelly in Playlists

band | song | release | label | year/comments
Cheater Slicks | Feel Free | Don’t Like You | In The Red | 1995
Dwarves | Love Gestapo | Lick It (The Psychedelic Years) | Recess/Greedy | 1983-86
Cracktorch | Pulling Plays | Cracktorch Is Not The Problem | Curve Of The Earth | 2001
The Faithfull | Broken Bottles, Broken Hearts | 4-song demo | self-released | 2001
Seaweed | Crush Us All | Spanaway | Hollywood | 1995
Grade | Little Satisfactions | Headfirst Straight To Hell | Victory | 2001
Milemarker | The Fear Is Back In Town | Anaesthetic | Jade Tree | 2001
Fugazi | Epic Problem | The Argument | Dischord | 2001
Darkbuster | Take The Fall | Scene Of The Crime comp | Good Cop/Bad Cop | 2001/request
New Bomb Turks | Mr. Suit | Destroy Oh Boy! | Crypt | 1992/request
GG Allin | Dagger In My Heart | Violent Beatings | Acme | 1988
Scissorfight | New Hampshire’s Alright If You Like Fighting | American Cloven Hoof Blues | Eccentric Man/Tortuga | 2001
Out Cold | Repellent | Will Attack If Provoked | Acme | 2001
Strike Anywhere | Timebomb Generation | Change Is A Sound | Jade Tree | 2001
Blitz | Fight To Live | The Complete Singles Collection | Get Back | 2000
Smogtown | Ms. Behavior | Domesticviolenceland | Disaster | 2001
Dan Melchoir’s Broke Revue | Witch On Fire | Heavy Dirt | In The Red | 2001
The Beautys | Terminus | Thing Of Beauty | Cheetah’s | 2001
Los Straightjackets | Down The Line | Sing Along With Los Straightjackets | Cavalcade | 2001
The Saints | Easy Money | Seventy Seven Ninety Nine collection | Munster
Triple Thick | When I Go Out Drinkin’ | Gets Some | Leisure King | 2001
Slayer | Payback | God Hates Us All | American | 2001
The Hookers | Who Will Survive? | Black Dreams Of Crimson Wisdom | Scooch Pooch | 1999/request
Fu Manchu | Separate Kingdom | California Crossing | Mammoth | 2001
Soul Brains | Coptic Times | A Bad Brains Reunion: Live At Maritime Hall SF | 2B1 Multimedia | 2001/request
Dayglo Abortions | Wake Up America | Feed Us Fetus | Toxic Shock | 1986/request
Triumph | Allied Forces | Allied Forces | RCA | 1981/request
The Fire Dept. (Group) | Musical Day | L’oeuf D’or | Hangman’s Daughter | 2001
The Belmondos | Emulsified | live 7/25/01 on WMFO’s On The Town With Mikey Dee program | self-released | 2001
Dumptruck | 50 Miles (live) | Lemmings Travel To The Sea | Devil In The Woods | 1986
Clumsy | Keep In Mind | Center Of Attention Defecit Disorder | Idol | 2001
Scared Of Chaka | Why Are You Weird? | Crossing With Switchblades | Hopeless | 2001

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