Turbonegro | Clenched Teeth | Hot Cars & Spent Contraceptives | Bitzcore | LP ’92
Backyard Babies | Too Tough to Make Some Friends | advance
Guns & Roses | Night Train | Appetite for Destruction | Geffen | LP ’87
The Briefs | Where Did He Go? | EP | Interscope | CD 01
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club | Whatever Happened to my Rock n Roll | EP | Virgin | CD 01
Red Lorry/Yellow Lorry | Talk About the Weather | Talk About the Weather | Red Rhino | LP ’85
The Unknown | Shake a Tail Feather | Highs in the Mid 60’s Michigan comp | AIP | LP ’83
The Masonics | You Can’t Say | s/t | Hangman’s Daughter | LP ’91
The Blow Up | Black Rain | True Noise | Empty | CD 01
Saturday Supercade | Reset, Refined | Everyone is a Target | Liberation | CD 01
Descendents | Cheer | Plus One | Epitaph | CD 01
Pulley | Hooray for Me | Together Again for the First Time | Epitaph | CD 01
The English Beat | Big Shot | I Just Can’t Stop It | Sire | LP ’79
Eyeliners | Something to Say | Sealed with a Kiss | Panic Button/Lookout | CD 01
Slayer | Warzone | God Hates Us All | American | CD 01
Agnostic Front | Club Girl | Dead Yuppies | Epitaph | CD 01
The Unseen | No Master Race | The Anger & the Truth | BYO | CD 01
Bad Wizard | Barefootin Man | Free & Easy | Tee Pee | CD 01
Zen Guerilla | Chicken Scratch | Invisible Liftee Pad | Alt. Tentacles | CD ’97
Darkbuster | Hell on Wheels | 22 Songs That You’ll Never Want to Hear Again | CD ’99, req
The Damned | Neverland | Grave Disorder | Nitro | CD 01
Real McKenzies | GI US Adram | Loch’d & Loaded | Honest Don’s | CD 01
The Satelliters | Turn Out Wrong | Sexplosive | Dionysus | CD 01
Out Cold | You Say That Now | Will Attack if Provoked | Acme | CD 01
The Dwarves | Insect Whore | Blood Guts & Pussy | Subpop | LP ’90
The Randoms | Let’s Get Rid of NY | Dangerhouse comp | Frontier | CD reissue
Ratos de Parao | Toma Trouxa | Guerra Civil Canibal | Alt. Tentacles | CD 01
Neil Diamond* | Shilo | Just for You | Bang | LP ’67
Moment | How I’ve Been Lately | Songs for the Self Destructive | Espo | CD 01
The Fleshies | Locofoco Motherfucker | Kill the Dreamer’s Dream | Alt. Tentacles | CD 01
Blitz | Attack | Complete Singles Collection | Get Back | LP ’00
Hudson Falcons | Wild Hearts | For Those Whose Hearts… | GMM | CD 01
The Saints | No You’re Product | 77-79 Big Hits from the Underground | Munster | LP
Therapy? | Alrite | Shameless | ARK21 | CD 01
Brother Brick | The Same | 2 songs | Rockin House | 7″ 01
The Peepshows | Go to Hell | Riot on the Rocks comp | Safety Pin | CD ’00
Toys that Kill | Amphetamine St. | The Citizen Abortion | Recess | CD 01
Scissorfight | Riot on the Village Green | American Cloven Hooff Blues | Tortuga | CD 01
Downbeat 5 | Dum Dum Ditty | Three Bullets for Alice | none | CD 01
The Cyrkle | Turn Down Day | Red Rubber Ball | Sundazed | CD reissue
Piebald | Pretty Face | Barely Legal/All Ages | Big Wheel Rec. | CD 01