Thursday, 1/20/2005 – Joanie

Posted: January 20, 2005 by Joanie in Playlists

Fireballs of Freedom | Gator Nado | Greasy Retrospective | Wantage USA | CD 04
Olivelawn | Earthquake | Sophomore Jinx | Cargo | LP ’92
Swell Maps | Border Country | Jane from Occupied Europe | Secretly Canadian | CD 04
Destroyer | New Ways of Living | Notorious Lighting and Other Works | Merge | CD 05
The Priests | More | Tall Tales | Get Hip | CD 04
The Blues Magoos | Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet | Nuggets 1 comp | Rhino | LP ’84
Mirrors | I Think I’m Falling | Another Nail in the Remodeled Coffin | ROIR | CD 04
Stack o Lees | All the Way to my Grave | Sympathetic Sounds of Montreal comp | Sympathy | CD 04
Shanghai Valentine | Last Train to Gibsonton | s/t | Ghostwood | CD 04
No Use for a Name | DMV | Incognito | New Red Archives | LP ’91
The Wipers | Return of the Rat | Is this Real | Park Ave | LP ’82
Midnight Bombers | Work Weak | split single | Rodent | 7″ 04
24 K Gold | Without Watts | Golden Grouper 1 comp | GSL | CD 04
Nitzer Ebb | Violent Playground | Produkt 1987 | Geffen | LP ’87
Radio 4 | Struggle | State of Alert | City Slang | CD 04
Andrea Gillis | Gin & Tonic | Want Another | TGRC | CD 05
Sweet | The Lies in Your Eyes | Give us a Wink | Capitol | LP ’76
The Prefects | Things in General | Are Amateur Wankers | Acme/Car Park | CD 04
The Dictators | Next Big Thing | Go Girl Crazy | Epic | LP ’75, req
The Satelliters | Go Away | Hashish | Dionysus | CD 05
The Blue Bloods | Left Out in the Cold | Boston’s Infested comp | Welfare | LP 04
7 Seconds | My Band, Our Crew | Take it Back Take it On Take it Over | Side One Dummy | CD 05
Champion | Miles to Go | Promises Kept | Bridge 9 | CD 04
Fingerprintz* | Close Circuit Connection | The Very Dab | Virgin | LP ’79
The Flesheaters | The Hammer Hits the Nail | A Hard Road to Follow | Atavistic | CD 83/04
Green River | Swallow my Pride | Come on Down | Homestead | LP ’85, req
The Bunnybrains | Onic Outh | Narnack Records Is comp | Narnack | CD 04
The Futureheads | Carnival Kids | s/t | Sire | CD 04
The Hentchmen | Anywhere | Form Follows Function | Times Beach | CD 04
Tubeway Army | My Love is a Liquid | s/t | Beggars Banquet | LP l ’78
The Real Kids | Who Needs You | single | DUI | 7″ 02
Zodiac Killers | 911 Emergency | Society’s Offenders | Rip Off | CD 04
The Contrary | Baseball Bat | Corroded Culture | Welfare | CD 04
Kill Your Idols | I’ll Call You Back | From Companionship to Competition | Side One Dummy | CD 04
The Scientists | Atom Bomb Baby | Human Jukebox ’84-86 | Sympathy | CD ?

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