artist | song | release | label | year
Capillary Action | Ticking Ghosts, Part 2 | Fragments | Pangaea | 2004
Turing Machine | Don’t Mind if I Don’t | ZWEI | French Kiss | 2004
Major Stars | All or Half the Time | 4 | Forced Exposure | 2004
Dinosaur Jr. | Grab It | Without a Sound | Sire | 1994
Buzzcocks | Why Can’t I Touch It? | Singles Going Steady | Intl. Record Syndicate | 1979
The Hentchmen | Love | Form Follows Function | Times Beach | 2004
The Futureheads | Carnival Kids | The Futureheads | Sire | 2004
The Coke Dares | Asheville Blues, Drunk Ambition, 12 | Here We Go With | Easy | 2005
Pitchfork | Thin Ice | Eucalyptus and Saturn Outhouse | Swami | 1990
Red Eyed Legends | Cold in the Sun | Mutual Insignificance | file 13 | 2004
Sunshine | Victinisanothernameforlover | Electric! Kill! Kill! | Custard | 2004
Banyan | A Million Little Laughs | Live @ Perkins’ Place | Sanctuary | 2004
Two if By Sea | Before You Tought of It | Translators | Speedbump | 2004
Babyland | Past Lives | The Finger | Mattress | 2004
Blast Off Heads | Indie Rock Dread Lock | Radio 1190 "Local Shakedown" | Smooch | 2000
Grabass Charlestons | Squidilly Didilly | The Greatest Story Ever Hula’d | No Idea | 2004
Cracktorch | Contract | Tonight the City | Declassified | 2005
25 Suaves | You’re Gonna Die | I Want it Loud | Bastard Sun | 2004
Bleached Black | I Can’t be Happy | Wrist Slashing Romance | RiJiD | 1985
Pagans | Nowhere to Run | The Pink Album | Treehouse | 1988
Black Mountain | Don’t Run Our Hearts Around | Black Mountain | JagJaguwar | 2005
Banyan | Fun House | Live @ Perkins’ Place | Sanctuary | 2004
Negativeland | Helter Stupid | Helter Stupid | Seeland | 1989/2004