Tuesday, 1/30/2007 – Ben

Posted: January 30, 2007 by ben in Playlists

Artist | Song | Release | Label | Year
The Early Years | All Ones and Zeros | The Early Years | Beggars Banquet | 2007
The In Out | Into the Torroid | Fragmento | Dark Beloved Cloud | 2005
The Embarrassment | Two-Week Vacation | Heydey | Bar None | 1980/1995
Positive Noise | Ghosts | Heart of Darkness | Statik | 1981 [request]
Joy Division | A Means to an End | Closer | Qwest | 1980
Random Hold | Central Reservation | Etceteraville | Passport | 1980
Josef K | Radio Drill Time | Entomology | Domino | 1980/2006
The Faintest Ideas | Capitol Between Brackets | What Goes Up Must Calm Down | Magic Marker | 2007 [my sotw]
A Passing Feeling | The New Year | We Might Not Sleep at All This Year | 75 or Less | 2007 [Jeff’s sotw]
The Lambrettas | Da-a-a-ance | Beat Boys in the Jet Age | Rocket | 1980
The Chords | So Far Away | So Far Away | ? | 1980
Consumers | Existential Baby | Homework #8 | Hyped 2 Death | 1980/2003
Devo | Gates of Steel | Freedom of Choice | WB | 1980
The Clapp | Disco Jesus | Disco Jesus 7” | Kleen Kut | 1980
Les Hatepinks | In the Front | Sick in the Head | TKO | 2006
Rosyvelt | It Doesn’t… | Applied Science | x | 2007
V | Wardrobes in Hell-You’re a Weapon | Wardrobes in Hell 7” | x | 1980
Wipers | Up Front | Is This Real? | Zeno | 1980
Dead Kennedys | California Uber Alles | Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables | Cherry Red | 1980
Alternative TV | Action Time Vision | Viva la Rock’n’Roll | Public Domain | 2004
Dom Mariani | Fireplace | Shell Collection | Off the Hip | 2007
Piebald | A Friend of Mine | Accidental Gentlemen | Side One Dummy | 2007
Circle Jerks | Operation | Group Sex | Frontier | 1980
The Panics | Best Band | Please Panic | Vulture | 1980/2001
The Fix | Vengeance | At the Speed of Twisted Thought | Touch and Go | 1980/2007
Nightingales | The Chorus is the Title | Out of True | Iron Man | 2006
Age Rings | Calm Down | Look… the Dust is Growing | x | 2006
Mad Man Films | Kamikaze | The Blak Power EP | x | 2005
Deerhunter | Heatherwood | Cryptograms | Domino | 2007
Dead Meadow | Beyond the Fields We Know | Dead Meadow | Xemu | 2006
Feathers | Tone Poem | Synchromy | Hometapes | 2006
Darkbuster | Shoulda Known Better | A Weakness for Spirits | ? | 2005 [request]
Iron Maiden | The Prowler | Iron Maiden | EMI | 1980 [request]

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