Reviews of Mando Diao, The Films, The Love Me Nots

Posted: June 9, 2007 by Joanie in Reviews

Wanted to write about a couple great shows I saw in May. Surprisingly good, which is always nice after seeing so much mediocrity. First was Mando Diao from Sweden at TT’s with openers Pop Levi, whose CD I thought was okay, and some band called The Films. What a pleasant surprise The Films were, melodic but had enough balls to keep my attention. I assumed they were from another country but Charleston, SC doesn’t count. Next was the bummer of Pop Levi who was such a priss and so full of himself, I just wasn’t having it. I’d hate to be the roadie for that band. I’d seen MD a couple years ago on a weeknight and actually stuck it out til the end cuz they were worth it. As they were this recent time, those guys really put everything into it (as Conan said when they played his show shortly after). Their songs sound way better live than recorded, need to revisit the most recent CD since opening track “Welcome Home Luc Robitaille” was a great way to stat the show. Sheepdog, which was the first single I heard from them, is still a standout of the set. I decided they should do “We Ain’t Got Nothing Yet” by the Blues Magoos. They do no covers as far as I know and this would be perfect for them. Someone let them know.


The week after, the Love Me Nots from Phoenix played at the Middle East and these guys and girls have got that revamped 60’s thing down. The guys look great in their skinny cut suits and the gals look perfect in their black and white shifts and go-go boots. But most importantly, their songs are awesome and they’re great live. Singer was a great front person rocking her Farfisa around. Set was paced well, almost every song from their CD (In Black and White) rocks, as do the couple new ones in the set, and they were really nice people. Hopefully we’ll get them to do a live set next time they come to town.

Thanks to Eric Law for the photos.


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