Playlist – Chris – 7/23/07

Posted: July 23, 2007 by Chris in Playlists

I filled in on the Breakfast of Champions for half an hour before the normal 10 am start of the Late Risers’ Club. I’ve included that playlist here for posterity.


Final Solutions | Rubber Stamp Test | Songs by Solutions | Goner | LP ’07

BOC portion of the playlist:

Get Him Eat Him | Exposure | Arms Down | Absolutely Kosher | CD ’07
The Sharking | Listen Up | EP | 202 Down | CD ’05
The New Pornographers | Chump Change | Electric Version | Matador | CD ’03
Iron and Wine | Boy with a Coin | Boy with a Coin EP | Sub Pop | CD ’07

Finest Dearest | Idaho | MP3
Modest Mouse | Custom Concern | This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About | Up | CD ’96

LRC portion of the playlist:

Barracudas | Rendevous | Through the Mysts of Time (Rarities ’78-81) | Voxx | LP ’07
Sweetheart | I truly Love You But I Cannot Sing | Art is Dead is Dead | Perpetual Motion | CD ’05
Clickers | vs. the Cooling of the Universe | split w/ Night Rally | Honeypump | MP3 ’05
Final Solutions | Rubber Stamp Test | Songs by Solutions | Goner | LP ’07

The Invisible Rays | DK Ray | single | s/r | CD ’07
Bullet LaVolta | Before I Fall | Swandive | RCA | CD ’91
Lightning Bolt | Ride the Sky | Ride the Skies | Load | CD ’01
Bleach 03 | Skull Trial | The Head that Controls Both Right and Left Sides Eats Meats and Slkebbers Even Today | Australian Cattle God | CD ’07

The Illegals | Dream Date | The History of Boston Rock Here and Now | Triple B | CD ’07 (Comp)
Polvo | Fractured (Like Chandeliers) | Celebrate the New Dark Age EP | Merge | CD ’94
Red Herring | Street | Housing Crisis EP | Mississippi | CD ’07
Sleater Kinney | The Fox | The Woods | Sub Pop | CD ’05

Fog | The Last I Knew of You | Ditherer | Warp/EMI | CD ’07
Sweep the Leg Johnny | Please Give Me Roses Before I am Dead | Tomorrow We Will Run Faster | Southern | CD ’99
Crooked Fingers | Under Pressure | Reservoir Songs | Merge | CD ’02

Squirrel Bait | Sun God | s/t | Drag City | CD ’96 (’85)
Slint | Good Morning Captain | Live, Chicago, Aug. 19, 1989 | MP3
Rodan | Shiner | Rusty | Quarterstick | CD ’94
The For Carnation | lmyr, marshmallow | Promised works | Touch and Go | CD ’07

Fugazi | Cashout | The Argument | Dischord | CD ’01
Burning Airlines | Wheaton Calling | Mission: Control | Desoto | CD ’99

Bottom of the Hudson | Perfect Distillation | Fantastic Hawk | Absolutely Kosher | CD ’07
Ruma Sakit | Stomachache due to the sincere belief that the rest of my band is trying to kill me | s/t | Temp Res. | CD ’00
Deerhoof | Frenzied Handsome, Hello! | Reveille | Kill Rock Stars | CD ’02

Dog Faced Hermans | Les Femmes et Les Filles Vont Danser | Those Deep Buds | Alternative Tentacles | LP ’94
Velcro Stars | Cascade | Hiroshima’s Revenge | Grand Palace | CD ’07
King Kahn and the Shrines | In Your Grave | What Is | Hazelwood | LP ’07

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