Ben – Playlist – 7/10/07

Posted: July 10, 2007 by ben in Playlists

song of the day: Bad Brains | Jah People Make the World Go Round | Build a Nation | Megaforce | CD 07

Pelican | City of Echoes | City of Echoes | Hydrahead | CD 07
Karate | Operation: Sand | Operation:Sand/Empty There | Southern | 7″ 97
Dismemberment Plan | Ice of Boston | Is Terrified | DeSoto | CD 97
Kerosene 454 | Continued | Came by to Kill Me | Slowdime | CD 97
Paul Newman | Astroglide | Frames Per Second | Trance Syndicate | CD 97
Bad Brains | Jah People Make the World Go Round | Build a Nation | Megaforce | CD 07

Bottom of the Hudson | Suffering Time | Fantastic Hawk | Absolutely Kosher | CD 07
Beatnik Filmstars | Buffalo Bill Haircut | Inhospitalable | Merge | CD 97
The Notwist | Puzzle | 12 | Zero Hour | CD 97
My Dad is Dead | Two Pills in Water | Every One Wants The Honey but Not the Sting | Emperor Jones | CD 97
The Lune | In Me | Sill | Asthetics | CD 97
The Book of Lists | Moon Balloon | The Book of Lists | Scratch | CD 07

Chop Chop | Mix Tape | Chop Chop | Archenemy | CD 05
The Monorchid | Distortion | Let Them Eat… | Dischord | CD 97
Rye Coalition | The Higher the Hair the Closer to God | Hee Saw Dhuh Kaet | Gern Blandsten | CD 97
Deerhunter | Cryptograms | Cryptograms | Kranky | CD 07
Deerhunter | Flourescent Grey | Flourescent Grey EP | Kranky | CD 07

Bottom of the Hudson | Beehive | Fantastic Hawk | Absolutely Kosher | CD 07
Trans Am | Carboforce | Surrender to the Night | Thrill Jockey | CD 97
Modest Mouse | Shit Luck | Lonesome Crowded West | UP | CD 97
Murder City Devils | Flashbulb | Murder City Devils | Die Young Stay Pretty | CD 97
The Fells | Inside Out | The Fells EP | Estrus | CD 97
Against Me! | Americans Abroad | New Wave | Sire | CD 07

Amoroso | Track 4 | Amoroso | x | CD 07
Hurl | Forget to Breath | Not a Memory | My Pal God | CD 97
Daddy’s Hands | Gentlemen You May Stand Down | Welcome Kings! | Kill Devil Hills | CD 07

Primordial Undermind | Now I Wanna Take a Bath | You, Me, and the Continuum | Camera Obscura | CD 97

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