Chris – Playlist 6/18/07

Posted: June 18, 2007 by Chris in Playlists

Get Him Eat Him were featured today at 11:00. Mostly an excuse to play some favorites ….


Blitzen Trapper | The Green King Sings | Wild Mountain Nation | Lid Ker Cow |
CD ’07

Bellavista | Mystic Son | s/t | Take Root | CD ’07
Controller.Controller | History | History EP | Paper Bag | CD ’04
Circus Lupus | Pacifier | Super Genius | Dischord | CD ’92
Intellectuals | Cheated Babe Pop | Invisible is the Best | Dead Beat | CD ’07

Shellac | Paco | Excellent Italian Greyhound | Touch & Go | CD ’07
Germs | Lexicon Devil | (MIA): The Complete Anthology | Slash/Rhino | CD ’93
Fucked Up | The Black Hats | b/w Year of the Pig | What’s Your Rupture? |
CD/12″ ’07

Peg Simone | Don’t Want to Meet You | The Deeper You Get | s/r | CD ’07
The Raincoats | Fairytale in the Supermarket | s/t | Geffen | CD ’93 (’79)
Shepherdess | Anything | s/t | Kimchee | CD ’07
Velcro Stars | Cascade | Hiroshima’s Revenge | Happy Happy Birthday to Me/Grand
Palace | CD ’07

Velcro Stars | B-Side of Love | Hiroshima’s Revenge | Happy Happy Birthday to
Me/Grand Palace | CD ’07
Blitzen Trapper | The Green King Sings | Wild Mountain Nation | Lid Ker Cow |
CD ’07
Gasoline | Stay Here | s/t | Estrus | CD ’98
Vacancies | Sick Modern Era | Tantrum | Blackheart | CD ’07

Dismemberment Plan | Timebomb | Change | Desoto | CD ’01
Wrens | Hats off to Marriage, Baby | Secaucus | Grass | CD ’96
Beauty Pill | Idiot Heart | The Cigarette Girl from the Future EP |
Desoto/Dischord | CD ’01
Get Him Eat Him | Not Not Nervous | Geography Cones | Absolutely Kosher | CD
Get Him Eat Him | Push and Pull | Arms Down | Absolutely Kosher | CD ’07

Spouse | It = Love | Relocation Tactics | Pigeon | CD ’07
Epoxies | Science of You | s/t | Dirtnap | CD ’02
Music for Animals | Bi or Curious | s/t | Three Ring Records | CD ’07

Dub Trio | Cool Out and Coexist | Cool Out and Coexist | ROIR | CD ’07
Test Icicles | What’s In the Box | Boa vs. Python EP | Domino | CD ’05
D.O.A. | Folsom Prison Blues | Punk Rock Singles | Sudden Death | CD ’07
Parts and Labor | Long Way Down | Mapmaker | Jagjaguwar | CD ’07

Lab Partners | Sold Your Soul | Keep Quiet | Reverb | CD ’07

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