Chrissy Victims 9/29/08

Posted: September 29, 2008 by chrissy victims in Playlists

SOTD-Lighting BeatMan|Hurt Me|Wrestling Rock-n-Roll|S.R.|CD

Larsen(Spain)|Vomitas Sangre|Computer
Boys|Cop Cars|my friends mix|CD
Fits|Odd Bod Mod|Too Many Rules|Get Back|LP
Bags|Volume Freak|’89|Oaf|CD
Death Sentence(Aus.)|Pressure|Computer
Outcasts|Love is for Sops|Punk Singles Collection|Anagram|CD
Pagans|Dead End America|Everybody Hates You|Crypt|CD
Slaughter and the Dogs|Cranked Up Really High|Do It Doggy Style|LP
Germ Attak!(Canada)|Out of Body Out of Mind|Computer
Buried in Leather|Buried in Leather|We Are Gone|Teenage Heart|CD
Pleased Youth|Rock Against People|Dangerous Choo-Choo|Buy Our|LP
Perdition(Aus.)|I’m Laughing|Computer
Signal Lost|Terminal|Prosthetic Screams|Prank|CD
Mood of Defiance|Peanut Butter Skies|Now|New Underground|LP
Reducers|Something Better Change|No More Heroes|Elevator|CD
Mega Minge(U.K.)|Sniff Alot of Glue|Computer
Jeff Dahl|All my Favorite Ramones are Dead|Back to Monkey City|Steel Cage|CD
Electric Frankenstein|You’re So Fake|Listen Up, Baby|TKO|CD
Sic Fucks|Rock or Die|Sic Fucks|Sozyamuda|LP
Blitzkreig|Blitzkreig|New Wave of British Heavy Metal ’79 Revisited|MetalBlade|CD
Vicious Circle(Aus.)|Police Brutality ’08|Computer
Poison Control|Slums of Punk Rock|the Violent Years|Deranged|EP
Members|Solitary Confinement|Stiff, Stiffer, Stiffest|Stiff|CD
Lighting BeatMan|Hurt Me|Wrestling Rock-n-Roll|S.R.|CD
Cancerous Reagans|Rights|split w/Disco Crisis|C.I. Records|EP
Toxic Holocaust|Nuke the Cross|An Overdose of…|Relapse|CD
Drunk Skunks(Texas)|Raped Economy|Computer
Black Flag|I’ve Got to Run|TV Party|SST|EP
Proletariat|Another Banner Raised|Voodoo Economics and…|Taang|CD
Interterror(Spain)|Problemas de Estado|Computer
Maintainers|Sock It To Me|Demo|S.R.|CD
Romantics|Talking in your Sleep|Who Cares|LP
Decline|Lets Blow Up the World|Scene Killer|Outsider|CD
Totalitar|Psykopaten Bestammer|CD
the Left|Youngster on the Force|1st LP|LP
Refuse Resist|Just Paranoid|Mind Yourself|Rod.Pop.|CD
Bratface|The Dogs are Hungry|Runt of the Litter Vol. 1|Fan Attic|CD
Partisans|Dont Blame Us|Cut Short cuz Im dum|LP
Galbak|Bilderberg Consperacy|Break Out Vol. 2|Cut Out|CD
Komintern Sect(France)|Plus Fort Que Tout|Computer
Sister Ray|Sick Of Skulls|LP
the Four Fifths|She’ll Hurt you in the End|Teenage Shutdown|CD
Pretty Things|Judgement Day|LP

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