Joanie 10/15

Posted: October 16, 2020 by Joanie in Playlists

10:00 R.I.P. | Nightmare | Dead End [computer] (Riding Easy, 20)
10:04 The Idolizers | Stranded (Again) | s/t [computer] (Rum Bar, 20)
10:07 Eddie Criss Group | Deceiver | [computer] (Hozac Archival, 80/20)
10:10 Naked Raygun | Dog at Large | All Rise [LP] [RIP Pierre] • (Homestead, 85)
10:12 Brandy | (Wish You Was) Madball Baby | The Gift of Repetition [computer] (Total Punk, 20)
10:17 All Hits | Sugar Supply | Men And Their Work [computer] (Iron Lung, 20)
10:20 Alternative TV | Opposing Forces | Opposing Forces [computer] (Public Domain, 15)
10:24 Open Sore | Vertigo | V/A Farewell to the Roxy [LP/computer] [(Elmer Punk youtube)] • (Lightning, 78)
10:26 Saints of Death | You Can’t Run | Ascend to the Throne [computer] (Headrattle, 20)
10:29 Breakdown | Sick People | V/A New York Hardcore: The Way It Is [computer] (Revelation, 88)
10:30 Western Addiction | Lurchers | Frail Bray [CD] (Fat, 20)
10:32 Chuck Norris Experiment | Little Demon II | Shortcuts [computer] (-, 20)
10:33 Atraco | Rutinario | V/A El Esperanto P.R. Vol.2 – El Mundo se Revuelca [computer] (Esperanto P.R., 20)
10:39 Death by Unga Bunga | Not Like the Others | single [computer] (Jansen, 20)
10:43 Horace Pinker | Sixty-Seven Cents | Power Tools [CD] (Earwax, 94)
10:45 Public Enemy | Yesterday Man | What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down [computer] (Def Jam, 20)
10:48 The Generators | You Against You | Last of the Pariahs [computers] (DC-Jam, 11)
10:50 Bob Mould | When You Left | Blue Hearts [computer] (Merge, 20)
10:53 Noi!se | Lost | single [computer] (Pirate’s Press, 20)
10:58 Warlung | Black Horse Pike | Immortal Portal [computer] [Houston] • (Heavy Psych Sounds, 19)
11:02 The Neats | What Keeps You Awake | Crash at Crush [LP/computer] (Coyote, 87)
11:04 Pointed Sticks | Out of Luck | Perfect Youth [computer] (Quintessence, 80)
11:07 Aborted Tortoise | Making A Mint | Scale Model Subsistence Vendor [computer] (Goodbye Boozy, 20)
11:08 Ett Dödens Maskineri | Låsta Dörrar | Det Svenska Hatet [computer] [Sweden] • (Suicide, 20)
11:11 La Inquisición | Los Iniciados | Guerra Total [computer] (Contra, 16)
11:16 Foreigner | At War With the World | s/t [LP/computer] [11:15] • (Atlantic, 77)
11:21 L.A. Witch | Sexorexia | Play With Fire [computer] (Suicide Squeeze, 20)
11:24 The Lurkers | Axe Static Meltdown | Sex Crazy [computer] (Damaged Goods, 20)
11:28 Girlschool | Deadline | Demolition [LP] (Bronze, 80)
11:30 The Divided | Pack of Lies | Pack of Lies [7″/computer] (Contra, 20)
11:35 E | Caught | Complications [computer] | (Silver Rocket / Lokal Rekorc, 20)
11:38 Willie Alexander and the Boom Boom Band | Everybody Knows | s/t [LP] (MCA, 78)
11:42 True Faith | Again | s/t [computer] (NIF, 20)
11:45 Idles | Reigns | Ultra Mono [computer] (Partisan, 20)
11:49 Die Kreuzen | Melt | V/A October File [LP/computer] (Touch & Go, 86)
11:51 Fake Names | Brick | s/t [CD] (Epitaph, 20)
11:53 Sister | No | V/A No Replastering, The Structure Is Rotten [computer] (Rotten Structure, 20)
11:57 Ice | Gypsy | The Ice Age [computer] [filling in on L&F Mon. 10/19] • (Riding Easy, 70/20)

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