Joanie 7/23

Posted: July 24, 2020 by Joanie in Playlists

10:00 The Replacements | Customer/Rattlesnake | Sorry Ma, Forgot to take out the trash [computer] [live at TwinTone label showcase 7th St Entry 9/81] • REQ • (Twin Tone, 81)
10:04 Lion’s Law | Revenge | The Pain, The Blood, and The Sword [CD] (Pirate’s Press, 20)
10:07 The Schizophonics | In Mono | Land of the Living [CD/computer] [supposed to play last weekend, sigh] • (Sympathy, 17)
10:10 Hidden Charms | Something ‘Bout A Nothing | The Square Root of Love [CD] (Alien Snatch, 20)
10:12 Wire | Start to Move | Pink Flag [LP] (Harvest, 77)
10:13 Shepparton Airplane | What It’s Worth | Sharks [computer] [Melbourne] • (Wing Sing, 20)
10:17 Vis Vires | The Fight Goes On | The Fight Goes On [computer] [LA] • (Common People/Contra, 20)
10:20 The Business | Smash The Discos | Suburban Rebels [LP] (Secret, 83)
10:22 Weapon | Set the Stage Alright | V/A New Wave of British Heavy Metal ’79 Revisited [CD] (Metal Blade, 90)
10:24 We Versus the Shark | The Invincible Hand | Goodbye Guitar [CD] (Ernest Jenning, 20)
10:26 The Marionettes | Damien | Ave Dementia [computer] (Flicknife, 90)
10:30 Baby Jesus | No Money | Words of Hate [computer] (Area Pirata, 20)
10:38 The Reflectors | Situation Critical | First Impression [computer] (Burger, 20)
10:40 The Blokes | All American Girl | V/A Highs in the Mid Sixties – Michigan Vol 5 [LP] [Dick Wagner co-wrote] • (AIP, 67/84)
10:43 Fake Names | Darkest Days | s/t [CD] (Epitaph, 20)
10:46 The Launderettes | The Beat Dropped | Getaway [CD] [Oslo] • (Wicked Cool, 13)
10:49 Midnight Priest | Hellbreaker | Midnight Steel [computer] [Portugal] • (14)
10:53 Gino and the Goons | Wrote You a Letter | Off the Rails [CD] (Big Neck, 19)
10:58 Blowfuse | Change Your Mind | Daily Ritual [computer] [Barcelona] • (Epidemic, 20)
11:01 The Dents | Last One Standing | V/A Somebody Out There is Having a Party Vol. 2 [computer] (Rum Bar, 20)
11:03 Electric Citizen | Savage | Sateen [CD] (Riding Easy, 14)
11:06 Behemoth | A Forest | A Forest [computer] [Poland] • (Metal Blade, 20)
11:12 Shopping | Body Clock | All or Nothing [CD] (Fat Cat, 20)
11:17 Billy Preston | Will It Go Round in Circles | single [computer] [11:15, Live on Midnight Special, #8 in 1973] • (A&M, 72)
11:21 Jerry Lehane | Kiss My Tattoo | single [computer] (Rum Bar, 20)
11:23 The Boys Next Door | Boy Hero | single [7″/computer] [Nick Cave] • (Suicide, 78)
11:26 Duck & Cover | Out Alive | V/A Quarantine Age Wasteland: A Benefit for Boston’s Small Venues [computer] (bandcamp, 20)
11:29 The Meatmen | Abba God and Me | War of the Superbikes [LP] (Homestead, 85)
11:31 RübenSchneider | Vacuum Bomb | Angry Beet Shredder [computer] (bandcamp, 20)
11:34 Brat Farrar | Not Like You | Adventures in the Skin Trade [computer] [Melbourne] • (Beast, 20)
11:36 The BellRays | Cold Man Night | Let It Blast [LP] (Scooch Pooch, 98)
11:38 The Zulus | Skinny Dip | Cockfight In A Bullring [CD] [Live at the Rat 1991] • (Turned On Sounds, 20)
11:42 Rockin Bob Punk Band | Private Jet | single [computer] (-, 20)
11:43 Zipper | Born Yesterday | s/t [CD] [Fred Cole from Dead Moon] • (Whizeagle/Way Back, 75/94)
11:48 Muck and the Mires | Take Me Back to Planet Earth | single [computer] (Rum Bar, 20)
11:50 Spectres | Insurgence | Nostalgia [computer] (Artoffact, 20)
11:56 Blondie | 11:59 | Parallel Lines [LP] [live at Asbury Park Convention Hall 7/79, happy 75th Debbie] • (Chyrsalis, 79)

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