Swedes’ Stampede! 11/28/07 and 11/29/07

Posted: November 29, 2007 by Joanie in News

scand flags

The Swedes’ Stampede came to WMBR in Cambridge, 88.1 FM, on Wed. Nov. 28 from 2-4 PM and Thurs. Nov. 29 from 10AM-noon. Sara (Josephson) and Joanie (Lindstrom) looked to their homeland and other Nordic countries to bring you the best punk, garage, hardcore and general rocking tunes those countries offer. We had so much Nordic stuff that we’re saving Holland and Belgium for another show.

Playlist for Joanie’s portion of the Swede Stampede (look for part 2 in Spring 2008)

Forcing the Hellacopters into a photo op in Stockholm, 10/06

Forcing a photo op on the Hellacopters in Stockholm, October 2006

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