Wed. 3/5, Mark Francis

Posted: March 5, 2008 by Joanie in Playlists

From the headquarters of the SVBC* comes today’s playlist:

(*Surviving Victims of B Control)

SOTD: Fallen Leaves | Repetition | It’s Too Late Now | Parliament | CD

Gaunt| Back Off | Whitey the Man | Thrill Jockey | LP 92
Yokohama Hooks | James Yer Out | Iron Goat | 7″ 07
Sebadoh | notsvr dnvora celcric | vs Helmet | Twenty(UK) | LP 92
Forbidden Tigers | Voodoo | Magnetic Problems | Dead Beat | LP 07
Black Flag | Revenge(live) | Decline of Western Civilization | Slash |
CD 80

The Adverts | Television’s Over/Back from the Dead | RCA(UK) | 7″ 78
The Big Sleep | Bad Blood | Sleep Forever | French Kiss | CD 08
Wire | Field Day for the Sundays/Three Girl Rhumba | Again | Sneaky
Pete | LP 77
Nothing But Enemies | Robots | Mental Damage | Welfare | CD 08

Big Dipper | Silentium | Supercluster | Merge | CD 90/08(ben sotd)
Eater | Space Dreaming | Compleat | Anagram | LP 77/93
Fallen Leaves | Repetition | It’s Too Late Now | Parliament | CD 08
Bassholes | Jack at Night | Solid Sex Love Doll | 7″ 06
Dream Syndicate | That’s What You Always Say | Days of Wine and Roses |
Ruby | CD 82

Replacements | Black Diamond | Let It Be | Twin Tone | CD 86
The Faux | Pictures of Fantasy | Curses for Everyone | Honeypump | LP
Token Entry | Revelation | From Beneath the Streets | Positive Force |
LP 87
The Hands | Dry County | S/T | Selector Sound | CD 08

Vibrators | Bad Time | Pure Mania | Epic | LP 77
Hey Sister | Brian Wilson Shock Treatment | Hammer of the Metal Gods |
Poe | CD 07
Gorilla Biscuits | Sitting ‘Round at Home | S/T | Revelation | CD 88

Vader | Warriors | Impressions In Blood | Candlelight | CD 07
Bulldozer | Impotence | Neurodeliri | Metal Mind | CD 88/08
Anthrax | I Am the Law | Among the Living | Megaforce | LP 87

Gut Reactions | Grave Robber | Milk n Herpes | 7″ 07
Misfits | Horror Business | S/T | Caroline/Plan 9 | LP 79/87
Daily Void | Man Without a Face |Identification Code:
5271-4984953784-06564 | Dead Beat | LP 07
Big Black | Passing Complexion | Rich Man’s Eight Track Tape | Touch n
Go | CD 87
Trinity | Three Piece Suit | Same | Joe Gibbs | LP 77
Screaming Trees | Invisible Lantern | Same | SST | LP 88

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