Didn’t want to detract from the LRC party hype so just posting this review now, this show seems like forever ago. But way back in July, I had a fun vacation in Portland OR and Seattle where I was able to catch the annual Capitol Hill Block Party. The band I liked best was the Whore Moans who played a great set to a lot of fans. It turned out for the best that I wasn’t able to find a band member and scam a CD for the station since I’m very happy to own it. I emailed asking them to send us one and they said they’d do that or give it to me at their Boston show. I had seen nothing about them playing in town but found out they were in Haverhill the next Sun. at Welfare Records, a place that just recently started putting on shows in their (surprisingly air conditioned) basement. Unfortunately, it was a fairly last minute show and driving to Haverhill hasn’t really caught on. We made the trip and with the two other bands on the bill, there were 18 people or so, none of whom paid. That didn’t deter the Whore Moans who played a great set but really wanted a show in the 3 days off before heading to Cleveland. I had already hooked them up to do an interview with Chris on Monday’s LRC, so offered that they could stay at my place and did my best to find them a gig. Dave from the Midway was totally accommodating and we got them on the Lenny Lashley bill on Tues., which gave me time to get the word out. Thankfully people came early and everyone liked the band, even people who don’t normally like “screamo garage”. A term the guys took issue with until they realized that when I say screamo, I mean bands like Fingerprint not Taking Back Sunday. In any case, they may have been a little less at ease at the Midway than the other two times I’d seen them, but they still kicked ass and made new fans with their special blend of garage and screaming. The record is fairly varied and not all chaotic loudness (http://www.myspace.com/thewhoremoanssuck). More importantly, they sold merch, made friends, got drinks (and more), and had a good show before the long drive to Cleveland. It’ll be even better next time they come to town I’m sure.